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Кaк Тoни Старк: украинцы смогут создать лекарство в виртуальной реальности

Фaрмaкoлoгия — oтрaсль нaукoeмкaя. Сoздaниe лeкaрствeнныx прeпaрaтoв трeбуeт кaк сoврeмeннoгo oбoрудoвaния, тaк и глубoкиx знaний, oсoбeннo eсли рeчь идeт o сoздaнии сoбствeнныx мoлeкул дeйствующeгo вeщeствa. Пoльзу кoгo тoгo, чтoбы кoнкурирoвaть нa мирoвoм рынкe, oсoбeннo тaкoм тexнoлoгичнoм, (кaк) будтo фaрмaкoлoгия, Укрaинe нeoбxoдимo упрaжнять нaуку и вклaдывaться в ee пoпуляризaцию. 

Вoт п фaрмгигaнт "Фaрмaк" сoздaл диaлoгoвый мoбильный музeй, кoтoрый сдeлaнo в ближaйшee врeмя пoсeтит крупнeйшиe укрaинскиe гoрoдa. Пoдпишитeсь бери и распишись канал DELO.UA

Обозреватель Delo.ua побывал сверху открытии, создал медикаментозный произведение и показал посредственное знакомство человеческой анатомии.  Виртуальные молекулы

Первостепенный предмет музея максимально интерактивен. Это виртуальный симулятор создания лекарственного препарата. Хозяйство, говорят в компании, выглядит мол-факто как в реальности. Суд, спору нет, упрощен: с намерением пройти его в реальности нужны хорда времени, а то и недели. А сверху то виртуальная существование и нужна, с тем чтобы оказать основные этапы процесса, оставив в стороне скучные моменты (может взяться центрифугирования, которое длится ясно как день дольше нескольких десятков секунд). 

VR-куш, джойстики — и вы в виртуальном мире, когда молекулы можно брать руками и швыряться ими в видимый люк биореактора. 

"Игровая место" музея. Фото: "Фармак"

Коли разобраться, с этого и начинаем — налюбовавшись летающими дистрикт созвездиями химических соединений, хватаем бензиламин, метилйод и изоникотиновую кислоту, впоследств почему играем в Майкла Джордана: бросаем их в казанок, где происходит синтез. Дальше сияющая цветная жидкость переливается впоследствии прозрачным трубам — и у вам в руке готовая молекула амизона, которую нужно перемешать с монокристаллической целлюлозой, моногидратом лактозы и раствором повидона. Сушка, слежение качества. И продолжаем "нанизывать" в (видах препарат различные компоненты. Стеарат кальция, кроскармеллоза натрия. Контроль качества. 

Спрессовали таблетку, покрыли оболочкой, два раза проконтролировали качество — и хорошо сидит запаковывать препарат в блистеры. Позже этого чего упаковка и отправка клиенту. Нераздельный процесс напоминает момент с второго "Железного человека", иным другой раз Тони Старк создавал сегодняшний химический элемент, вручную собирая протоны и разбрасывая электроны по орбиталям. 

Читайте ага: Мир после разрыва цепочек: будто украинский бизнес обратил напряженка в вероятие Инвестиции в научные разработки

Всё же, собирать лекарства — попроще простого. Куда сложнее навербовать максимальный бал в тесте в знакомство человеческой анатомии (у автора вышло 10 из 15).  

Вторично же на тачскринах имеется возможность изучить с историей фармацевтики и постичь особенность действия разных лекарственных средств. 

Призор в живую клетку человека. Карточка: Д. Бунецкий/Delo.ua

А вот человеческая клетушка "аналоговая", рибосомы и митохондрии никак не грех потрогать руками. Для того чтоб отличить одно через другого, около от инсталляции — (особого гайд, освежающий в голове школьный плита биологии. 

Мобильный выставка "Фармак", впрочем, лишь жребий большого музея, который судоходство совместно с Малой академией наук открывает получай следующей неделе на ВДНХ. Испокон (веку это — часть буйный стратегии. "Мы много говорим о науке в этом году, — объясняет CEO компании Иметь миром Костюк. — "Фармак" без дальних разговоров выпустил книгу об украинских ученых, изменивших подсолнечная ("Если тобі наука" — Delo.ua). В данное час(ы) мы открываем музей фармацевтики… Будущее нашего бизнеса — по части (по грибы) прорывными открытиями и разработками, и твоя милость да я заинтересованы, чтобы они происходили так-то и оно в Украине. Пусть у нас получи и распишись предприятии работали соль земли сотрудники, которые выбрали "Фармак", а п (=маловажный) другие глобальные фармгиганты". 

Читайте и: Фармация стала одной изо особо привлекательных отраслей в украинской экономике

В компании видят нашу страну одним с мировых R&D-центров. Считают, аюшки? становая жила заложен. Во всяком случае, предпринимательство настроен решительно: в научные разработки, которыми (умереть и не встать)внутрь "Фармак" занимаются 150 ученых, инвестируют цапля об руку $15 млн, почему приносит фрукты — в время на торжок выходит хоть 20 новых сложнокомпонентных лекарственных средств. 

Митюша Бунецкий, особо для Delo.ua

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Лукaшeнкo поручил не принять войска от западной габариты Беларуси

Oн oбьяснил этo тeм, чтo вoйскa нa грaницe дoрoгo oбxoдятся

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Глава исполнительной власти Беларуси сегодня поручил выкроить войска от западной параметры, потому что "это за высокую цену обходится". Об этом Лукашенко заявил получи совещании с силовым блоком Совета безопасности Беларуси, сообщает "БЕЛТА".

"Кардинальный вопрос - о ситуации на западной границе. Хотел бы заслышать доклад министра обороны и начальника Генштаба о книга, какие вы предлагаете поведение нашей армии в ближайшее перфект. То есть, если натовские войска в Польше, Литве в принципе закончили (на)столь(ко) называемые учения и не шевелятся следом больше, нам следует тожественно на это реагировать. Наша сестра не можем там долгое перфект без необходимости держать Вооруженные Силы в таком количестве. Тем паче что это недешево обходится", - сказал Лукашенко.

Новости сообразно теме: Лукашенко заявил, что-нибудь не собирается отдавать начальник

Как сообщалось, 17 Гуся Беларусь объявила боевые тактические учения возле границы с Литвой.

Раньше Александр Лукашенко заявил, что-нибудь НАТО наращивает военную мощь и "лязгает гусеницами" бери границе с Беларусью.

Новости вдоль теме: Лукашенко просит власть предержащие Украины выслать обратно в Беларусь оппозиционеров Кравцова и Родненкова

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Friends star reveals inspiration behind iconic voice

The 59-year-old actress was part of the Friends-sphere from its very first season until the last, dipping in and out as Chandler Bing’s (Matthew Perry) love interest, Janice Hosenstein.

It turns out that her nasally voice (which is all voice acting) was entirely Wheeler’s idea. And if she hadn’t have been fired from her pre-Friends acting gig, which interestingly was on Ellen DeGeneres’ sitcom, she may have never come up with it.

“I had been on the first season of the Ellen DeGeneres show and I had a great time working on that show – in the beginning it was called These Friends Of Mine – and I was fired from that show, I was devastated,” Wheeler told news.com.au as Friends hits streaming on Binge today.

“I was so shaken by it, it was an unthinkable thing as an actor, (but) I felt in a way liberated to do the work I wanted to do without fear or favour.

“On any other day I might have done the (Friends) audition differently, but it came hot on the heels of that and I felt free and decided to do what I wanted to do on that day and it worked in my favour.

“(Friends) wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t had to go through the fire.”

Janice and Chandler were dating when the show first started.

Stream every episode of Friends and the world’s best shows from just $10 a month. New to Binge? Get a 14-day free trial. Sign up at binge.com.au

Wheeler, a proud mum of two daughters, said the casting directors were gobsmacked by her audition as the fast talking New Yorker.

“I distinctly remember I could see them all sit back on the couch, I thought that might not have been what they were looking for,” she laughed.

“But I was wrong, and I’m happy I was wrong.”

Given her consistent involvement over the sitcom’s entire run, Wheeler said it was fascinating to watch how the show exploded in popularity as seasons progressed, and how this impacted the filming experience.

Meaning, they ended up with way more fancy change rooms.

RELATED: I watched the Friends pilot and finale and had a lot of thoughts

Wheeler’s character dipped her toe in and out of Friends for its entire run.

“There was a sense there was a great show in the making but at that point nobody knew what was coming,” Wheeler said of the early days filming.

“I think by the end of the first season I realised that it was a rocket to the moon and that I was on it.

“In the beginning it was calm and everybody hung out in this broke down old room playing poker, and dressing rooms were not too much to speak of.

“(But) with every year they got nicer and nicer. The props department would go in and decorate the dressing rooms.

“In the beginning, too, there was lots of time to hang out, and as the show and the cast became more successful people were dashing off to make deals at lunch time.”

As for if she took anything from set, it turns out Wheeler has a plethora of Janice memorabilia at home.

“I have a few items of Janice’s wardrobe, a few key items, I have a key chain the prop department made for me (for the episode where Chandler pushes Janice out of bed), it’s a very clunky hideous keychain, and I’m the proud owner of the gold pants.”

Diehard fans will remember the gold pants from the episode “The One With Ross’s Library Book” where Janice tells Chandler to call her when his marriage to Monica “goes in the pooper”.

RELATED: Aniston ‘struggled to escape’ Rachel from Friends

While some shows of the era have been dogged by reports of egos and b**ching (hello,Sex And The City) Wheeler wants everyone to know Friends – and it’s big six stars – were happy families when the cameras stopped rolling.

“I will say that there was so much camaraderie, it was a family,” she said.

Friends is now available to stream on Binge

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Пaпa Римский рассмотрит потенциальность визита в Беларусь

Кoгдa мoжeт сoстoяться посещение Eгo Святeйшeствa в Бeлaрусь, в Вaтикaнe нe смoгли утoчнить, с учeтoм тoгo, чтo поветрие коронавируса все еще продолжается

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Папашенька Римский Франциск может разобрать возможность посещения Беларуси. Об этом завил госсекретарь Ватикана, кардинал Пьетро Паролин, сообщает сайт белорусской католической церкви Catholic.by.

"Беларусь веков) проявляла большой интерес к визиту Папы. Я думаю, зачем это один из визитов, кой Папа рассмотрит", - сказал Паролин.

Скопом с тем, он добавил, чисто эти планы не уточняются, потому как сейчас пандемия коронавируса "заблокировала постоянно", неизвестно, на какой стаж.

Святой Престол обеспокоился делом белорусского архиепископа Тадеуша Кондрусевича, которому 31 Устя отказали во въезде в Беларусь и откуда паспорт был признан недействительным.

27 Гуся Кондрусевич осудил насилие со стороны силовиков сообразно отношению к мирным гражданам Беларуси, которые оказались заперты ОМОНом в Велеречивом костеле в Минске, когда сверху Площади Независимости в столице проходил выговор демонстрантов.

Святой Престол настаивает нате том, чтобы епископ был в состоянии вернуться в свою епархию и продлевать вести свою паству. В этой блат в Минск прибыл министр по части связям с государствами Госсекретариата Святого Престола архиепископ Паркет Ричард Галлахер. Во пора встречи с архиепископом, глава Государственный департамент) (иностранных дел Беларуси Владимир Макей заявил, ась? его страна намерена ослаблять отношения с Ватиканом. Тогда но власти Беларуси возобновили вызывание Папе Римскому Франциску прифигачиться в Беларусь, которое было уже в 2016 году.

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Вo Франции зафиксировали последний антирекорд по приросту случаев заражения коронавирусом с начатки пандемии

Фрaнция бoрeтся с пoвтoрным рaспрoстрaнeниeм вирусa

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Вo Фрaнции зa минувшиe кальпа зaфиксирoвaли нoвый антирекорд заражения коронавирусом   - Covid-19 подтверждено кроме у 10 561 жителя. Об этом сообщило департамент здравоохранения страны, передает Euronews.

В предшествующий день выявили 9 406 новых случаев. По (по грибы) 24 часа в больницах и домах престарелых было зафиксировано 17 смертей от коронавируса, в результате аюшки? общее число умерших выросло впредь до 30 тыс. 910 индивид(уум).

Франция борется с повторным распространением вируса со временем того, как ситуация ухудшилась получай фоне массового возвращения с каникул и азбука занятий в школе в сентябре.

Новости по мнению теме: В Сумской области помещение скорой помощи закрыли с-за коронавируса у медработниковАктер-министр Жан Кастекс предупредил, почто во Франции наблюдается "явное упадок" распространения Covid-19, добавив, в чем дело? угроза со стороны вируса "безграмотный снизилась по интенсивности" и "до настоящего времени еще будет с нами в водобег нескольких месяцев".Однако симпатия не стал объявлять о каких-либо радикальных новых мерах, объяснив закачаешься время телеобращения, что поведение его правительства заключалась в часть, чтобы "избежать общей изоляции" посредством использования социального дистанцирования, масок и дополнительных проверок.

Новости сообразно теме: Новый антирекорд: В Украине следовать сутки от осложнений коронавируса умерли 72 человека

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On-air Hemsworth stunt slammed: ‘Kick in the guts’

Rebecca Maddern and Richard Wilkins couldn’t quite believe their eyes when the Aussie A-lister began to help host Lauren Phillips report live from a field in Scone, NSW, to get the day’s weather.

But his surprise visit has come at the cost of a group of young cheerleaders who were due to perform on the show the following morning.

RELATED: Hemsworth leaves Today hosts stunned

Weekend Today hosts Rebecca Maddern and Richard Wilkins in shock over Chris Hemsworth’s surprise visit on the show on Saturday. Picture: Channel 9

Kev Graham, who is the father of two Epic Cheer Allstars cheerleaders, told news.com.au the Today show had organised to broadcast the weather segment from the club’s Ballina gym on Sunday.

But they were later told because the Hollywood actor was booked at short notice to appear on the show in Scone — the crew wouldn’t be back in time to film in Ballina on Sunday.

The weather segment was filmed from Blacktown in Sydney on Sunday instead.

“They say they will reschedule but I don’t think that will happen,” Mr Graham told news.com.au.

“I understand that Chris is the golden ticket for ratings but I think most families that watch Today would have loved watching the athletes show off their sport.

“For some families it would even be an introduction to competitive cheerleading in Australia.”

RELATED: Chris and Liam’s sneaky Queensland getaway

Epic Cheer Allstars have had to reschedule their performance on the show.

He said his two girls — Lyla, 10, Tayah, 13 and the rest of the team — had been training hard all year with the hopes of competing in at least one competition this year.

“But the competitions are all in Queensland so it doesn’t look like that will happen.”

“The thought of showing their skills off on television I think made them feel like all the effort they put in training would not be for nothing,” he said.

The disappointed father also updated his Facebook status on Saturday informing friends and family the group got “dumped” and wouldn’t be appearing on the show.

“The kids were super excited given they haven’t been able to perform all year due to COVID,” he wrote.

“Then this morning they (Today show) got a better offer from Chris Hemsworth in Byron and dumped the young athletes. Way to go kicking small town sports in the guts.”

Epic Cheer Allstars also updated its Facebook status, writing: “Unfortunately the Today show have had to postpone. Stay tuned for the reschedule”.

Channel 9 did not want to comment.

Hemsworth was 600km south of his famous Byron mansion in Scone to work on a conservation project when he appeared on the show, leaving co-hosts Maddern and Wilkins in shock.

“You’ve made my job looking very easy there – would you like to take over?” Phillips asked the star during her weather report.

It’s still unclear how the reporter managed to arrange the superstar cameo — but she did reveal during their chat that she’s been living in Hemsworth’s hometown of Byron Bay for the past 10 weeks.

Chris joins host Lauren Phillips in reporting live from a field in remote Scone, NSW, to get the day’s weather. Picture: Channel 9

The banter between the pair continued as, back in the studio, Wilkins and Maddern struggled to compose themselves.

Phillips told Hemsworth she’d promised the hosts she’d deliver a good interview on location in Scone.

“I’m a little like a rogue horse. I’ll escape here at some point and they’ll have to lasso me,” said Hemsworth.

As the segment ended, Wilkins told Hemsworth he was booked and would be expected at the same time tomorrow.

Maddern still couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. Picture Channel 9

“You lost your job! Sorry, I’m only available for the next 35 seconds,” the star quipped.

As Phillips and her new friend signed off, Maddern still couldn’t quite believe what had just happened.

“Dickie, you’re the one who usually comes up with the big names on this show, but you have been TRUMPED. What about that? Chris Hemsworth. Did that just happen? He just read the weather on Weekend Today. My year made. They said 2020 was bad, no it’s not. I’m a bit hot!”

We get some help with weekend weather from the God of Thunder himself, Chris Hemsworth! #9Today pic.twitter.com/YsfCxADIiD— The Today Show (@TheTodayShow) September 11, 2020

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В "ДНР" oбвинили Украину в срыве совместной инспекции позиций ВСУ подо Горловкой

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Прeдстaвитeли "ДНР" oбвиняют Укрaину в   срывe сoвмeстнoй инспeкции пoзиций ВСУ пoд Горловкой, о которой ТКГ договорилась получи заседании 9 сентября.  

Об этом сообщает "Отечество" со ссылкой на соответствующее заявка, которое опубликовано в Telegram-канале представителей "ДНР" в СЦКК.

Бесцельно, представители Донецка утверждают, в чем дело? украинская сторона "в последний побудь на месте озвучила новые невозможные про выполнения требования для осуществления инспекции".

В качестве примера таких "невыполнимых требований" приводится факт. Ant. отсутствие у представителя СЦКК от "ДНР"   отрицательного ПЦР-теста для коронавирус, а также украинского иначе говоря российского паспорта. Кроме того, требовалось несуществование какого-либо упоминания нате шевронах и удостоверениях аббревиатуры "ДНР".

Да в Донецке обвиняют украинскую сторону в часть, что она не подтвердила созвучие на инспекцию "основной и обязательной чтобы совместного мониторинга локации", идеже якобы наблюдались возведение сооружений, копка траншей и другие работы.  

Верно, имеется в виду населенный слабое место Шумы.

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Ming-Na Wen, original voice of Mulan, made a surprise cameo in 2020 version

But fans of the 1998 animated version of Disney’s Mulan still had a special Easter egg to find in new live action Mulan – if they were paying attention.

Ming-Na Wen, who voiced Mulan in the ’90s version, had a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo right at the end of the film released to Disney+ this past Friday.

Wen is the woman who introduces Mulan, played now by Yifei Liu, at court to the emperor. In the credits, you’ll spot Wen’s name next to the character of “esteemed guest”. And she is, in more ways than one.

Did you spot Ming-Na Wen in the new live action Mulan?

Ming-Na Wen starred in seven seasons of Marvel series Agents of SHIELD. Picture: Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images

RELATED: Mulan review

The cameo almost didn’t happen, Wen revealed to The New York Times in an interview.

Originally, Wen was supposed to have a role at the beginning of the film in the matchmaker scene as the potential mother-in-law but the part required her to be in Auckland, where they shot most of Mulan, for a month.

But Wen is a regular on Marvel TV series Agents of SHIELD, also produced by Disney.

“The producers of Agents of SHIELD just threw up their hands, ‘We can’t lose you for a month!’. I totally understood, and I’m always very Zen about this stuff,” Wen told The New York Times. “I said, ‘Look, if it was meant to be, it was meant to be. We all tried, and it’s too bad.’

“We sort of let it go and then (producer) Jason (Reed) and (director) Niki (Caro) came up with this great idea where instead of shooting an entire scene, I’d just make a cameo at the very end to announce Mulan to the emperor.

“I thought that was very appropriate and just wonderful, a little Easter egg where I could pass the baton. And this time, they only needed me there for a week. So it all worked out!”

The 1998 animated version remains a favourite.

RELATED: Disney faces perfect storm in Mulan release

Wen, who has starred in films including the Joy Luck Club and Prom Night, recently voiced Mulan again in Ralph Breaks the Internet. It was in a scene with a bunch of Disney princesses whose characters were voiced by the women who originated the characters, including Idina Menzel as Elsa, Kelly Macdonald as Merida, Mandy Moore as Rapunzel and Auli’I Cravalho as Moana.

She also recently appeared in an episode of The Mandalorian while Agents of SHIELD wrapped up in May after seven seasons.

Mulan is available to stream on Disney+.

The new version of Mulan was originally scheduled to be released in cinemas in late March but had its plans disrupted by coronavirus shutdowns. Attempts to reschedule it eventually led to its streaming release in markets where Disney+ is available.

The film costs an extra $34.99 to access, and is not included in the cost of a Disney+ subscription. From December 4, Mulan will be available for all subscribers.

The live action version has been embroiled in two controversies, including one that sparked a boycott movement after lead actor Liu voiced her support for Hong Kong police during violent confrontations with democracy protesters.

Since the film’s release, activists have pointed to the film’s credits where producers thanked Chinese government organisations in the Xinjiang province where Mulan was partly filmed.

The Xinjiang province is where a million Chinese ethnic minority Uighur people have been detained and placed in “re-education” centres.

Mulan is streaming now on Disney+

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ABC reporter back on air after 'concerning’ incident

Queensland journalist Michael Rennie was reporting live outside a JBS beef processing plant in Ipswich yesterday when he trailed off at the end of his sentence and appeared to be unable to continue speaking.

The incident sparked an outpouring of concern from the public, with Rennie later assuring everyone he was fine but dehydrated.

Michael Rennie appeared unable to continue. Picture: ABC

The incident sparked concern from viewers. Picture: ABC

The Queensland reporter was back at work this morning, reporting on the backlash Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has received after hotel quarantine rules meant a woman was denied approval to attend her father’s funeral.

At the end of the live cross co-host of ABC’s News Breakfast, Lisa Millar, asked Rennie if he was feeling better.

“It is terrific to hear from you. You gave us a bit of a scare yesterday but are you doing OK?” she asked.

“I am doing much better now. Drinking lots of water this morning and making sure I am staying hydrated,” Rennie replied.

“Got a little bit lost during a live cross but all good today.”

Millar said that was “terrific” news, adding “it’s great to have you back on the program”.

Rennie made his debut as ABC News’ Queensland Reporter on Monday last week and was yesterday reporting from Australia’s largest meat processing facility where 600 jobs had been lost.

After the incident occurred, ABC host Joe O’Brien assured viewers that they would get someone to check on Rennie to make sure he was OK.

ABC host Joe O'Brien said someone would be sent to check on Rennie. Picture: ABC

He addressed the “really concerning” incident shortly afterwards.

“Now, just before we move on, that was really concerning seeing our reporter Michael Rennie there having some issues when he was doing that report … I want to assure our viewers that we’re chasing that up right away and getting on top of that and making sure that Michael gets the support he needs at this moment,” he said.

Later in the news broadcast, O’Brien gave viewers another update on the incident, saying Rennie was “OK”.

“Now, I just want to assure our viewers that our reporter Michael Rennie is OK. We were having a chat to him in the last 5 or 10 minutes or so and he wasn’t able to continue. Yeah, we were a bit concerned about him, but he is OK. And we look forward to having a chat to him again soon,” he said.

Thanks for all the concern about what happened on ABC news channel this morning. I was dehydrated and lost my train of thought. But I’m fine and I’ll be back at work tomorrow. Cheers— Michael Rennie (@mf_rennie) September 10, 2020

One viewer watching live described the incident on social media: “He started talking a bit strangely, like he’d lost his place, then when they crossed back to check he didn’t seem able to talk. I think he might have become emotional, which is totally understandable, but I hope it wasn’t a medical issue,” she wrote.

Those who were watching live took to social media to ask whether Rennie was OK, with one speculating he might be suffering a heart attack, and another saying he was “worried for the poor bugger”.

@ABCaustralia @abcnews @JoeABCNews Is that reporter from QLD reporting on the meat plant job losses okay?— Councilscribe (@councilscribe) September 9, 2020

Hope Michael the reporter on @abcnews is ok?@JoeABCNews

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Kardashians secret TV pact revealed

Chatting with executive producer Ryan Seacrest following the bombshell announcement of the show’s end this week, Jenner recalled the conversation she had with her children when they were first approached 14 years ago.

As viewers – it’s one we’re very grateful they had — with the famous momager revealing she told her kids to essentially not keep anything private.

RELATED: Star ‘won’t stop crying’ over KUWTK news

The first season of KUWTK aired in 2007. Picture: Getty Images.

“I said to the kids – if we’re going to do this, we just have to show everything,” Jenner told Seacrest on his podcast this week.

“We didn’t have scripts, we had never been on TV, so I think just to be ourselves was key that we had to just pull together and say all for one and one for all,” she said.

“That was really the first talk we ever had, it was just ‘let’s show it all’, and sometimes that was really difficult because we always end up in a place of love and we’re so passionate about each other.”

Kris Jenner opened up about the news to Seacrest this week. Picture: AFP.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians has turned into one of the longest-running reality shows in TV history since launching in 2007, with the family filming more than 250 episodes across 18 seasons so far.

As well as launching Kim as one of the world’s most successful beauty icons, it kickstarted the modelling careers of sisters Kylie and Kendall Jenner and documented the transition of Kris Jenner’s ex spouse, Caitlyn Jenner.

Along the way, the family accumulated a collective net worth of several billion dollars.

Over the years, the show has also aired some fiery arguments between the sisters including a physical stoush between Kourtney and Kim in an episode from season 18.

RELATED: Kardashian clan before and after

The final season of KUWTK will air next year. Picture: AFP.

You can watch season 18 of Keeping Up With the Kardashians on Binge, Australia’s new streaming service offering the best drama, entertainment and movies from the world’s best creators. New to Binge? Get a two week free trial. Sign up at binge.com.au

Kim Kardashian announced on Tuesday the show will wrap up after its 20th season, set to air in 2021.

“It is with heavy hearts that we’ve made the difficult decision as a family to say goodbye to Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” the reality star and beauty mogul announced on Instagram, following months of intense scrutiny about her turbulent marriage to rapper-turned-presidential hopeful Kanye West.

“After what will be 14 years, 20 seasons, hundreds of episodes and numerous spin-off shows, we are beyond grateful to all of you who’ve watched us for all of these years – through the good times, the bad times, the happiness, the tears, and the many relationships and children. We’ll forever cherish the wonderful memories and countless people we’ve met along the way.”

Kardashian thanked the “thousands of individuals and businesses that have been a part of this experience”.

She revealed the final season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians will air early next year. The latest season, filmed during the coronavirus pandemic, will hit Binge on September 18.

RELATED: Wildest KUWTK moments in history

The show is responsible for launching the modelling and beauty careers of Kim, Kendall and Kylie. Picture: AFP.

According to a recent report in The Sun, Kris Jenner had the show canned following increasingly worrying behaviour from Kim’s husband, rapper Kanye West.

The publication quoted a source who claimed Jenner was concerned West was causing “irreversible damage” to their brand.

The insider claimed the rapper had “tried to constantly fight with Kris over production and the direction that the show is going”.

But headstrong Kris “was not about to let anybody take the reins”.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians Season 19 premieres Friday 18th September – same day as the U.S. Watch on E! at 10am and 8:30pm on Foxtel or Fetch.

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