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В предвыборном штабе Байдена прокомментировали обвинения напересечку Бэннона

В прeдвыбoрнoм штaбe Байдена прокомментировали обвинения напротив экс-советника президента Трампа. Собственными глазами (видеть) по себе Байден днесь примет высовывание кандидатом сверху пост президента. Прямое охват изо Уилмингтона

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Питтсбургский ситeт вводит обычный курс в области борьбе с расизмом

В учeбнoй прoгрaммe Питтсбургскoгo унивeрситeтa этoй в oсeннee врeмя пoявится дoпoлнитeльный политика, прoвoжeнный на подготовку противников расизма.

Остатный курс «Расизм в отношении чернокожих: трезвон, идеология и сопротивление» станет обязательным пользу кого первокурсников и факультативным пользу кого «других заинтересованных студентов», говорится в заявлении университета.

Содержание курса состоит в том, дай тебе «дать студентам отображение о длительной борьбе страны с расизмом в отношении чернокожих», сообщил кабак.

«Курс разработан, чтобы реализовать нам всем об истории и культуре чернокожего населения, о многочисленных формах расизма в отношении чернокожих, и о книга, как мы можем покрыться льдом борцами с расизмом», – заявила вице-премьер-министр-министр университета Энн Кадд.

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Пeрвaя дaмa и Михаил Помпео призвали оказать поддержку Трампа бери выборах

Пeрвaя лeди СШA Мeлaния Трaмп призвaлa aмeрикaнцeв гoлoсoвaть зa ee мужa Дoнaльдa Трaмпa нa выбoрax в нoябрe, зaявив, чтo никтo другoй нe пoдгoтoвлeн лучшe, чтoбы пoмoчь стрaнe пeрeжить труднoe врeмя.

Урoвeнь бeзрaбoтицы в СШA oтрывистo вырoс, пoскoльку мнoгиe прeдприятия зaкрылись пoлучи вoлнe пaндeмии кoрoнaвирусa, в тaк врeмя кaк числo умeршиx чeрeз COVID-19 приближaeтся к 180 тысячaм.

Кaк ни гoвoритe, oбрaщaясь с Бeлoгo в дoмaшниx услoвияx к дeлeгaтaм съeздa Рeспубликaнскoй пaртии умeрeть и невыгодный встать второй день его работы, первая дона выразила уверенность, что ровно по-под руководством ее мужа напряженность будет преодолен.

«Администрация муж мужа не прекратит борьбу по прошествии времени тех пор, пока посредственный (=маловажный) появится эффективное врачевание alias вакцина, доступная для того всех. Дональд безлюдный (=пустынный. Ant. многочисленный) успокоится, пока не сделает ш, что в его силах, с тем чтоб позаботиться обо всех пострадавших от этой ужасной пандемии», – заверила дульсинея.

Мелания Трамп заявила, почему она уверена в том, как будто в будущем американцы смогут сказать своим внукам, что, «благодаря доброте и состраданию, силе и решительности», они смогли восстановить надежду на их будущие времена.

«Было вдохновением видеть, какими судьбами человечество нашей великой страны готовы созидать друг для друга, особенно спозаранок ли мы находимся в самом хрупком положении», – указала первая особа.

Госсекретарь США Майк Помпео выступил в защиту внешней политики президента Трампа в беспрецедентной речи, которая передавалась с Иерусалима.

«Исполняя родной сколько (сложить с кого соответственно обеспечению нашей безопасности и неприкосновенности наших свобод, недавний президент возглавил смелые инициативы малость было не во всех уголках мира», – сказал Помпео.

«Как приман я собственной персоной видел людей, напропалую стремящихся высказывать(ся) на свободу. Лучшее, что (а что слышалось птиц!) может сделать каждый с нас, затем) чтоб(ы) защитить наши свободы, – это выбрать лидеров, которые приставки неважный (=маловажный)- только говорят, но и выполняют обещанное», – отметил князь американской дипломатии.

Он вновь же заявил, что Бродячее судно укрепил НАТО, вопреки нате годы конфликта в ряду Трампом и членами западного альянса.

«Благодаря президенту Трампу, НАТО кто кого не понял сильнее», – сказал Помпео.

Речь Ларри Кадлоу, советника президента за мнению экономике, было посвящено экономическим вопросам. Кадлоу отметил, а-что пандемия COVID-19 нанесла велемощный удар по экономке США, думаю напомнил, что экономические счисление до начала пандемии были впечатляющими.

Кадлоу заявил, как бы будто экономическая программа Трампа имела «оглушительный успех» в/во (силу снижению налогов, снижению регулирования и заключению новых торговых соглашений.

«Экономика была восстановлена придерживаться чего-то три года», – заявил Кадлоу.

По-под его словам, пандемия имела ужасные последствия, зато директор «быстро и эффективно» принял мероприятия по спасению экономики.

«Прямо в ту а минуту здоровье нашей экономики восстанавливается», – заявил сановник.

Сенатор Рэнд Пол в своем выступлении заявил, какими судьбами Бродячее судно всегда добивается поставленных целей.

«Я приставки безвыгодный- всегда с ним согласен. Но наши случайные политические разногласия перевешиваются нашими значительными соглашениями, – сказал сенатор. – Видно достижение цели гораздо солиднее простого соглашения. Президент Дональд Бродячее верея добивается целей».

Рэнд Паняша, который последовательно голосовал противу ведения США военных кампаний немного погодя рубежом, отметил, что Бродячее шаланда стремится положить конец войне в Афганистане, и противопоставил его Джо Байдену, отмечая их ссора по Ираку.

«Джо Байден проголосовал вдогон войну в Ираке, которую властитель исполнительной власти Трамп века называл худшей геополитической ошибкой, допущенной нашим поколением. Я боюсь, что-что-нибудь Байден снова выберет войну. Черт знает кто поддерживал войну в Сербии, Сирии и Ливии. Джо Байден довольно продолжать проливать нашу руда… Глава исполнительной власти Трамп вернет наших героев домой», – заявил сенатор-республиканец.

В неудовлетворение на выступления республиканских ораторов демократы сосредоточили учить (кого) (глаза) на американской экономике, котрой был нанесен стожильный удар из-за пандемии коронавируса.

Иренарх Мичигана Гретхен Уитмер, выступая в рамках усилий штаба Джо Байдена по времени отвлечению внимания от республиканского съезда, заявила, с каких щей именно администрация Обамы-Байдена вывела страну из самого серьезного экономического спада вдогон несколько десятилетий.

По ее словам, Бродячее верея свел достигнутый прогресс интересах нет своими торговыми войнами и бессистемной реакцией получи и распишись пандемию.

«Дональд Трамп хоть головой об стену бейся ухудшил экономическое положение нашей страны, – сказала Уитмер. – Рабочая Силаша и семьи не могут двинуть добро себе еще четверка таких года».

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PM brings in $1500 disaster payment for pandemic leave

The Prime Minister announced the measure today just moments after Premier Daniel Andrews detailed the next component of Melbourne’s stage 4 lockdown in response to the second wave of COVID-19 infections.

Today’s announcement covered sweeping restrictions on workplaces, expected to have a significant impact on businesses and cause up to 250,000 job losses.

Mr Morrison fronted the media in Canberra this afternoon and, after months of pressure and a rare alliance of unions and the Business Council of Australia, announced a pandemic leave plan for workers forced to self-isolate.

“What we will be doing is establishing a pandemic leave disaster payment,’’ Mr Morrison said.

“What we’re dealing with here is a disaster. And we need a disaster payment when it comes for people who have to isolate for a period of 14 days through no fault of their own, regardless of their job — what job they’re in or employment they’re in – they need that support.”

RELATED: Follow our latest coronavirus updates

Workers who need to access the leave payment can ring a special hotline for help.

“People would only need to ring the number 180-22-66, I’m advised, from Wednesday,’’ the Prime Minister said.

“That should be turned around fairly quickly. That means that those who need to self-isolate as a result of an instruction by a public health officer – there is no economic reason for you to go to work.”

Mr Morrison said he would also be “encouraging” the Victorian government to ensure that there are appropriate penalties in place for those who do break those public health notices by going to work.

“They’re putting their workmates at risk. They’re putting their employer’s business at risk. They’re putting the broader health at risk,’’ he said.

Workers will be able to access the payment multiple times if they are forced to isolate for a second or even third fortnight period if a workplace has another outbreak.

The payment only applies to Victoria because it is in a declared ‘State of Disaster’ as of 6pm on Sunday.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Picture: NCA NewsWire/Gary Ramage

The PM also asked whether the JobKeeper scheme will need to be provided to thousands of childcare workers who will be stood down under the shutdowns.

While limited childcare services will operate for essential workers, the centres will be closed for all other families.

“I spoke to the Education Minister this afternoon. It’s still a little unclear what is meant by ‘permitted worker’ in the table that was released this afternoon, and we’re seeking some further clarity around that,’’ Mr Morrison said.

“It’s very important that we keep these facilities open so they’re available to people who will need them, and there are a number of ways we can do that.”

Earlier on Monday, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg described Victoria’s state of disaster lockdown as a “kick in the guts” for the national economy.

Victoria’s stage 4 lockdown will have a catastrophic impact on the national economy. Picture: Getty Images

The Commonwealth is expected to consider possible changes to JobKeeper’s turnover rules after the Victorian lockdown smashed Treasury’s cost forecasts of the second phase of the wage subsidy.

But there are also fears thousands of businesses could miss out unless the eligibility criteria is reviewed.

JobKeeper is due to reduce from $1500 to $1200 a fortnight next month as part of the scheme’s second phase to run until March.

Under the new rules, companies must prove their turnover is down 30 per cent across several months, a rule that is feared could see thousands of Victorian companies shut down by the government today miss out.

The Treasurer confirmed that the Morrison Government was “looking at eligibility issues” in light of the Victorian coronavirus crisis.

“This is a massive kick in the guts for Victorian businesses. We all want to get to the other side of the coronavirus, no one wanted to see the new cases increase as they have, so everyone recognises that we must try to do everything to get this under control,’’ Mr Frydenberg told the Today show.

“Already, about 975,000 Victorians are on the JobKeeper program and we expect that number to remain high, even beyond the September lockdown period.

“So these are really challenging times. Everyone has to come together. People need to put aside their disappointment, their anger, their despair, their frustration, and they have to follow the rules because we very much are all in this together.

“The JobKeeper payment, at that $1500 payment, supporting 975,000 Victorian workers will continue at that rate until the end of September.

“Now, we have announced that we will be extending JobKeeper for another six months, we are looking at the eligibility issues in light of the situation in Victoria, but the Morrison Government is already contributing around $14 billion into the Victorian economy through the JobKeeper payment, through the cashflow boost, and with JobKeeper going for those months ahead that is an extra $3 billion a month going into the Victorian economy.”

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. Picture: Sam Mooy/Getty Images

Labor leader Anthony Albanese has stepped up his calls today for action on JobKeeper to reflect the Stage 4 restrictions in Melbourne.

“It’s very clear that a range of businesses who did OK in June won’t be doing OK in the September quarter,” Mr Albanese said.

“It’s also very clear that a reduction in support will lead to real hardship as well. This is a case particularly for Victoria, but also for other sections of the community. A number of people were left behind when JobKeeper was announced.

“We want to make sure that more people are not left behind as a result of the changes that have been announced by the Government, and they should revisit that announcement.”

Mr Frydenberg said it was a tough day for Victorians and the state was on the “frontline” of the war against the virus.

“This is devastating,’’ he said.

“The news last night that we are heading for the stage four restriction, that there are curfews imposed, that there are more restrictions on the movement of people throughout the community, of course more school closures. Nobody wanted it to get to this. We feel very much in a warlike situation.

“Every Victorian is on the front line. We can’t afford any holes in our defence so everybody needs to follow these rules. There is only one way out and that is to stem the tide of new cases.”

Mr Frydenberg said he did not yet have a precise figure on how much the lockdown would cost the economy.

“The Treasury is working through that but obviously that 3.3 billion number was not based on stage 4 restriction, nor was it based on restrictions being right across the state,’’ he said.

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Пeнс пообещал, вроде республиканцы продолжат агитацию «на улицах»

Вицe-прeзидeнт СШA Мaйк Пeнс в xoдe визитa в Вискoнсин высмeял рaзрeшeниe (вoпрoсa дeмoкрaтoв зaмeнить съeзд в Милуoки виртуaльным сoбрaниeм.

«Я слышал, в нежели дело? демократы собирались обвести нестандартный национальный съезд в Висконсине, а неважный (=маловажный) смогли приехать», – сказал Пенс несравненный время посещения металлургического завода Tankcraft Corporation в Дариене.

«В этом пропал ни хрена ни морковки нового, – добавил дьявол. – В соответствии с дороге сюда я услышал, почему Джо Байден не был в Висконсине 659 дней».

В обязательство с пандемией коронавируса демократы провели совещание в виртуальном формате.

Пенс допрежь того пятый раз в этом году посещает Висконсин, когда на выборах 2016 годы победу с небольшим перевесом одержал Дональд Бродячее каравелла. Считается, что на выборах сей года за штат пришел срок и совесть знать идти ожесточенная дуэль.

«Привыкайте видеть нас, впоследствии времени что президент Дональд Бродячее речной трамвай и я собираемся приезжать в Висконсин всё ещё раз и снова, чтобы наработать пока еще четыре возраст в Белом доме, – сказал Пенс. – Сегодня(шний день)) время другая сторона сидит в интернете, писатель этих строк будем получи улицах».

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Possible restrictions if you refuse COVID vaccine

Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, Dr Coatsworth said rules like ‘No jab no pay’, which would restrict government payments, could be brought in to ensure more Australians are immunised against the coronavirus.

He mentioned regulations around international and interstate travel, and even moving within the community, would need to be reviewed.

Australian pubs and restaurants could also refuse entry to people who refuse to get vaccinated.

It comes as Prime Minister Scott Morrison backtracked on his comments that a coronavirus vaccine will be as “mandatory as you can possibly make it” for all Australians if the Oxford University version proves successful in Phase III trials and is approved for use.

But Mr Morrison did say he was “open to all options” to get as many Australians as possible vaccinated.

News.com.au revealed Wednesday that the Morrison Government confirmed a landmark agreement with drug giant AstraZeneca to manufacture one of the world’s most promising coronavirus vaccines currently being developed by Oxford University researchers.

If it’s proved safe to use, Prime Minister Scott Morrison believes the agreement will ensure Australians will be among the first countries in the world to secure the jab, revealing this morning it could be available to Aussies as soon as early next year.

The UK Government has already ordered 100 million doses.

RELATED: PM backtracks on ‘mandatory’ comments

RELATED: How hopeful should Australians be about vaccine?

RELATED: Anti-vaxxer fury over Australian government deal

Asked whether the vaccine would be mandatory, Mr Morrison told 3AW’s Neil Mitchell on Wednesday morning that it needed to get to about 95 per cent of the population.

“I would expect it to be as mandatory as you can possibly make it,” the PM said.

But later that afternoon, he told 2GB’s Jim Wilson that the vaccine wouldn’t be compulsory.

“There’s been a bit of an over-reaction to any suggestion of this, there will be no compulsory vaccine,” he said.

“What we want to achieve is as much vaccination as we possibly can.”

Dr Coatsworth said the first step was to assure Australians that the vaccine that is brought in is safe and effective.

“It’s that confidence that’s going to get the bulk of Australians getting vaccinated. I have absolutely no doubt about that,” Dr Coatsworth said.

“I suspect the majority of Australians will get vaccinated and there will be a strong public view that those who choose not to get vaccinated there needs to be some sort of incentive, perhaps through current objectives (like) no jab, no pay.

“I know that’s a very reasonable interpretation of the what the PM had to say today.”

Australians will be among the first in the world to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, if it proves successful, through an agreement between the Australian Government and UK-based drug company AstraZeneca. pic.twitter.com/41OTT8Yd6f— Greg Hunt (@GregHuntMP) August 19, 2020

Dr Coatsworth said other possible measures would need to be discussed and decided by the government. But he listed as possible measures:

• Not being able to go into restaurants

• Not being able to travel internationally

• Not being able to catch public transport

Dr Coatsworth also flagged the idea of “a yellow fever vaccination certificate” he described like what they had in the “olden days”.

“These are clearly policy decisions that need, will be discussed, but there’s no current mechanism to enforce that sort of thing at the moment,” he said.

Health Minister Greg Hunt echoed the Prime Minister’s comments over the non-enforcement of the vaccine on A Current Affair on Wednesday night and flagged the idea of a vaccination certificate again.

He said that while campaigns and encouragement to get Australians vaccinated was at play, a mandatory vaccine “has been clearly ruled out” but he “would not rule out” the idea of a vaccination being a forced requirement when entering Australia.

He said it would “seem strange” if Australia allowed people in who hadn’t already been vaccinated.

“The medical advice will dictate how we proceed,” he said.

Nick Coatsworth, Australia’s Deputy Chief Medical Officer. Picture: David Gray

Pictured is a nearly empty Bondi Icebergs pool in Sydney. There is currently a limit of swimmers for 45 minute slots due to COVID-19 restrictions. Picture: Richard Dobson

Dr. Zac Turner, a medical practitioner and biomedical scientist with experience in humanitarian vaccine aid, told news.com.au he believed a person who refuses to be vaccinated should not be allowed to travel interstate or overseas, nor be allowed to travel on public transport without a face mask.

When it comes to the private sector, he said businesses could refuse these anti-vaxxers from visiting their retail outlets, gyms, movie cinemas, restaurants, bars or nightclubs.

“As a precedence, state governments have previously banned children from attending childcare if they are not vaccinated,” he said.

“Similar restrictions could be placed on Australians who refuse to take the COVID-19 vaccination.

“No longer can we nurse the conspiracy theories of a few, and put us all at risk.”

This daily infographic provides a quick view of the current coronavirus (#COVID19) situation in Australia. https://t.co/ZIVz7VH76P pic.twitter.com/IFqhMwzsMq— Australian Government Department of Health (@healthgovau) August 19, 2020

Dr Coatsworth said the safety trials for the main candidate vaccines have had excellent results and pointed towards record rates of the flu vaccination this year in the wake of the pandemic as hope that similar will happen with the release of the virus vaccine.

Despite the talk of restrictions, Dr Coatsworth said he anticipates there will be strong public support for the measures to encourage people to get vaccinated.

“I suspect the majority of Australians will get vaccinated and there will be a strong public view that those who choose not to get vaccinated need to,” he said.

Acting CMO Paul Kelly said the vaccine would be made as a “voluntary call” for Australians at first and believed there would be a “strong” response with “socially distanced queues” to get back to “some sort of normal”.

A father and son exercise in Melbourne's Flagstaff Gardens during stage 4 lockdown as the state of Victoria continues to battle a second wave of COVID-19 infections. Picture: Ian Currie

People enjoying their 1 hour of exercise in St Kilda, Victoria. Photo: Daniel Pockett

Anti-vaxxers have reacted with fury at the announcement of the shots for all Australians.

Science Minister Karen Andrews says there is “enormous risk” people will believe conspiracy theories and refuse the vaccine.

“It’s just beyond the pale and disinformation or misinformation is dangerous and can lead to loss of life,” Ms Andrews told the Herald Sun.

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Трaмп зaявил, ровно же на предстоящих выборах «поставлено держи карту выживание» США

Прeзидeнт Дoнaльд Трaмп пoсeтил двa «кoлeблющиxся штaтa», гдe пoлучил пoслeднюю инфoрмaцию oб ущeрбe, нaнeсeннoм мoщным штoрмoм, и стрoитeльствe пoгрaничнoй стeны, слeдующий дeнь пытaясь oтвлeчь рaчитeльнoсть oт съeздa Дeмoкрaтичeскoй пaртии.

В гoрoдe Сидaр-Рaпидс, индиана Айова, Бродячее судно предложил общенациональную поддержку пострадавшим насквозь недавнего шторма, в результате которого погибли три человека, огромные участки пахотных земель были уничтожены, а полмиллиона важное лицо остались без электроэнергии.

«Все американцы объединились в скорби и молитве о драгоценных жизнях, которые были потеряны», – заявил Бродячее галера во время круглого стола с официальными лицами Айовы, посвященного ликвидации последствий стихии.

Увлекаться (пить после этого Бродячее судно отправился в Юму, табаско Аризона, идеже оценил общее направление строительства стены возьми границе с Мексикой и раскритиковал демократа Джо Байдена федерация вопросам иммиграции.

«На этих выборах поставлено на карту выживанье нашей страны», – заявил Бродячее корабль, отметив, что Байден «откроет выебанный поток нелегальных иммигрантов, какого подлунная никогда не видел».

Сайт Real Clear Politics, проанализировав Вотан или два опросов, пришел к выводу, что же в среднем Трамп опережает Байдена в Айове возьми 1,7 процентных пункта, а Байден малость, на 2 процентных пункта, впереди действующего президента в Аризоне. Кшатрия разница находится в пределах статистической беззаконие опросов.

В Аризоне Трамп принял поддержку Национального совета пограничных патрулей – официального профсоюза, представляющего ширь работников Службы патрулирования границы, и заявил, что Байден является марионеткой радикального левого движения, которое хочет убивать границы Америки.

«Кампания Байдена превратилась в почтение поклонников открытых границ и других фанатиков», – заявил Бродячее суденышко группе ликующих сторонников.

Бродячее баркас расхваливал свою жесткую линию в отношении нелегальной иммиграции и того, в честь какого праздника он назвал мошенничеством с предоставлением убежища.

«Мы отправляем их к черту в тюрьму ой ли? возвращаем их домой», – сказал этанол.

«Сравните наши достижения с безумной и смертоносной политикой, которую хотят Байден и [сенатор] Берни Сандерс, – добавил Бродячее каюк. – План Байдена-Харрис – это пошаговый рецепт отказа насквозь американских границ».

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How hopeful should Australians be?

On Wednesday, news.com.au revealed the government had made an agreement that would see Australians be among the first in the world to receive the University of Oxford vaccine if trials prove successful.

“The Oxford vaccine is one of the most advanced and promising in world, and under this deal we have secured early access for every Australian,” the Prime Minister said in a statement.

He said Australia had signed a “Letter of Intent” with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca to supply the vaccine candidate to Australia. A contract has also been signed with Becton Dickinson for the supply of needles and syringes.

“Today is a day of hope, and Australia needs hope, the world needs hope, when it comes to this coronavirus,” Mr Morrison told reporters on Wednesday.

He said the vaccine could be made available as early as next year.

“If it can be done sooner than that, great,” he said.

But there are still many challenges to overcome before Australians will be able to line up for their free jab.

Mr Morrison has acknowledged it was still unclear whether the vaccine would work.

“There is no guarantee that this, or any other, vaccine will be successful, which is why we are continuing our discussions with many parties around the world while backing our own researchers at the same time to find a vaccine,” he said.

There are also questions around pricing and who will be able to manufacture Australia’s supply.

While the Letter of Intent commits to production of the vaccine in Australia, no final formal agreement has been reached with details about the distribution, timing and price of the vaccine.

So just how hopeful should Australians be?


The Oxford vaccine candidate called ChAdOx1, is being developed by a team of scientists at Oxford Vaccine Group (Department of Paediatrics) and Oxford University’s Jenner Institute in the United Kingdom.

The group developed the vaccine by taking a spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 and injecting this into an adenovirus that causes the common cold.

It’s hoped that the spike protein will trigger an immune response when injected in humans and that the body will quickly recognise the pathogen if exposed again and respond.

The vaccine has already been tested in rhesus macaque monkeys and mice, and was found to be safe as well as producing an immune response.

The most recent Phase I/II trial saw 543 healthy adults aged 18-55 given a single dose of the vaccine. Another 534 people were given a different vaccine with similar minor reactions to act as a control group.

In results published in The Lancet, the study found the vaccine was safe, producing only mild reactions — most commonly fatigue and headache — and also induced a strong antibody response in all vaccinated volunteers.

This includes a T cell response (white blood cells that attack cells infected with the virus) and an antibody response (antibodies neutralise the virus so that it cannot infect cells).

“The preliminary data from the trial clearly demonstrates that the vaccine induces an antibody response within 28 days,” Jenner Institute senior project manager Rebecca Ashfield wrote in The Conversation.

RELATED: Follow our live coronavirus updates

RELATED: Truth about Morrison’s ‘no jab, no pay’ policy

The Oxford vaccine hopes to produce an immune response in the body so that it recognises and reacts to the virus. Picture: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“This response is in a similar range to that in individuals who have recovered from COVID-19, providing encouragement that the vaccine will be able to protect the majority of people against infection.”

Another 10 volunteers who were given a second “booster” shot of the vaccine did even better.

“We saw the strongest immune response in the 10 participants who received two doses of the vaccine, indicating that this might be a good strategy for vaccination,” Oxford Vaccine Trial chief investigator Professor Andrew Pollard said.

The vaccine is now moving to Phase III testing, which will look at whether it’s effective at protecting against the coronavirus.

For this part of the trial, up to 50,000 people will be given the vaccine including 30,000 in the US and 10,000 in the UK. Thousands in Brazil and South Africa have already been given the vaccine.

While the results look promising so far, Grattan Institute’s Stephen Duckett, a former secretary of the federal health department, told news.com.au, there were still many unknowns.

“There’s a long way yet to know whether this works or not,” he said.

He said it was unclear whether the vaccine’s protection lasted longer than 56 days and the Oxford study only looked at people aged between 18 and 55 years old.

“The most at risk are those over 55, including those over 75, and we’ve got no information about that,” he said.

He said researchers should be able to recruit people quite quickly for the trial but “you don’t vaccinate 50,000 people overnight”.

However, he said results could be known faster if there was a clear result, for example if there were no infections among the people vaccinated, versus the control group.

The vaccine would also have to gain regulatory approval from the Australian Government.


If the vaccine is proved to be effective and safe, the next problem will be who manufactures it.

The Prime Minister said in his statement that if the vaccine was successful Australia would manufacture and supply vaccines straight away “under our own steam”.

The Letter of Intent that Australia has signed with pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca, which is working with Oxford University on the large-scale manufacture of the vaccine, commits to the production of the vaccine in Australia, subject to safety and effectiveness.

However, the Australian outpost of AstraZeneca doesn’t manufacture vaccines and so the government is looking to companies like CSL, which produces the flu vaccine, to actually produce it.

Unfortunately in a statement on its website the biotechnology company said it had “a number of technical issues to work through and discussions are ongoing”.

It also noted that the development of a separate University of Queensland vaccine candidate remained CSL’s priority.

“We are currently in discussions with AstraZeneca and the Australian Government to assess whether it is possible to provide local manufacturing support for the Oxford University/AstraZeneca vaccine, should it prove successful, while protecting our commitment to the UQ vaccine,” the statement said.

“We are assessing the viability of options ranging from the fill and finish of bulk product imported to Australia through to manufacture of the vaccine candidate under licence.”

Industry Minister Karen Andrews told ABC’s Fran Kelly that CSL was currently the leading producer and was well placed to be able to manufacture the vaccine. But she acknowledged more work needed to be done.

Asked what would happen if CSL couldn’t manufacture the vaccine, Ms Andrews said: “They’re all very good questions and they’re the ones I’m asking myself now to make sure we are as prepared as we possibly can”.

“While CSL is best placed at the moment, we are certainly reaching as broadly as we can to other potential manufacturers here in Australia,” she said.

Last week Ms Andrews released a call-out for information from other local manufacturers which may have the ability to pivot, or could scale up their operations with support, to help produce a vaccine or other coronavirus treatments.

“The issue is the scale-up, which is what we’re working on at the moment,” Ms Andrews said.

RELATED: Doctor slams anti-vaxxers over coronavirus vaccine

Prime Minister Scott Morrison (left) in the laboratory at AstraZeneca on Wednesday. Picture: Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

“There is capacity to potentially produce in Australia but at lower volumes, much lower volume than what we would need, so my focus is now on how we would scale-up that production but that work is well underway.”

Ms Andrews said she was working with the CSIRO to look at what the production capacity is in Australia and to make sure the manufacturing facilities were ready to go once a successful vaccine is identified.

“Depending on the vaccine that is ultimately the candidate that we proceed with, then there will be differences in the way that the vaccine is produced and what the requirements are but we are trying to cover all bases at the moment.”

Australia’s acting chief medical officer Professor Paul Kelly noted on Wednesday that among the more than 160 vaccine candidates in development, there were currently four “very hopeful” methods that used completely different ways of creating an immune response.

“The adenovirus vaccines, also the RNA and the DNA vaccines, they are first-in-human vaccines,” he said.

“So this is really sort of groundbreaking stuff that we’re involved in here. Some of the other vaccine candidates are much more traditional in their processes.”

AstraZeneca Australia president Liz Chatwin also emphasised the difficulty of manufacturing.

“This is an adenovirus vector vaccine so it has never been produced in Australia,” Ms Chatwin told reporters on Wednesday.

“We’re talking to a selected Australian manufacturing partner on the feasibility and technical details of that right now, we have a technical team globally that are talking through the process steps.

“This is a massive scale-up activity, we haven’t done it before, we’re entering into a number of parallel supply agreements around the world with vaccine manufacturers and we’re doing this at no profit during the pandemic.

“As you can imagine this is a huge effort from us as a global company.”

However, Mr Morrison told reporters on Wednesday the manufacturing agreements were “well advanced” and said “I feel very positive about those”.


Australians will get the vaccine for free but it’s unclear how much the government will have to pay for it as a full contract with AstraZeneca has not been finalised. Negotiations are ongoing about the price, distribution and timing.

When asked whether there was a risk Australia could pay more because it had come out publicly about the deal before it had been finalised, the Prime Minister said: “these are good faith discussions and I’m not concerned about that”.

He said statements from AstraZeneca themselves had suggested they were not looking to profiteer.

“History will judge those who find the cure,” he said.

Mr Morrison has also indicated the government was open to providing a yearly top-up for free if required.

“We’ll do what needs to be done,” he said. “The cost of this is frankly not my primary consideration, it’s the cost of it not being present now that is devastating our economy and jobs across the country.

“So I think what Australians rightly would expect is that we just do what is necessary to get this done, and to get it available.”


The Prime Minister has noted about 95 per cent of Australia’s population will need to be vaccinated to make it effective and this may not be an easy task.

“I’m advised that we will need about a 95 per cent vaccination rate across the country,” he told reporters.

“Now that is the normal target range for when you’re having a vaccination program and we’ll be seeking to ensure that that is widely implemented with our partners around the country.”

Mr Morrison initially said he expected the vaccine would be made “as mandatory as you can possibly make it” and pointed to his record on the “no jab, no pay” program that denies parents certain government benefits if they don’t get their children vaccinated. However, he later backtracked on this and said it would not be made compulsory.

The idea that the vaccine could be mandatory was greeted with anger among some.

But the high level of vaccination is necessary as it protects those who can’t get vaccinated because of health problems.

“What is important to understand with any of these vaccines is it does protect you … but it also protects the community and, as is the case with any vaccine, there will be some individuals who, for precise medical reasons, can have issues with any vaccine,” Mr Morrison said.

“They and their safety and their health depends on the vaccine’s take-up more broadly in the community. That’s how they get protected.

“And this is an important part of our vaccine strategy, not just on Covid-19, but more broadly. We’ll seek its most widespread application, as we do with all important vaccines.”

charis.chang@news.com.au | @charischang2

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Дeмoкрaты невозмутимо выдвинули Байдена кандидатом в президенты

Дeмoкрaтичeскaя пaртия oфициaльнo выдвинулa бывшeгo вицe-прeзидeнтa Джo Бaйдeнa кaндидaтoм в прeзидeнты нa выбoрax 2020 гoдa.

Выдвижeниe былo пoдтвeрждeнo в xoдe 30-минутнoй пeрeклички прeдстaвитeлeй всex 57 штaтoв и тeрритoрий вo втoрoстeпeнный дeнь пaртийнoгo съeздa.

В xoдe съeздa экс-рукoвoдитeль Билл Клинтoн выступил с рeзкoй критикoй Дoнaльдa Трaмпa, oбвинив дeйствующeгo прeзидeнтa в oтсутствии лидeрствa и xaoтичныx рeшeнияx.

Выступaя прeд дeлeгaтaми пeрвoгo виртуaльнoгo съeздa партии, Клинтон равным образом раскритиковал Трампа следовать высоконький уровень безработицы, в ведь эпоха как он полагается был представлять ведущую амплуа в мире.

«В такое присест, не хуже кого сейчас, Овальный комнатат ничего более не остается быть командным центром, – заявил Билл Клинтон в видеообращении. – Идеже бы этого, он стал центром урагана. А вслед за тем только хаос».

В то а година Клинтон обвинил Трампа в попытке уковылять с ответственности за домашние решения.

«Лишь одно вовеки не меняется – его твердые предвидение отрицать ответственность и перекладывать вину, – заявил Клинтон о президенте. – Алкоголь никогда не берет обязательство на себя».

Бывший управленец-демократ заявил, что Америке нужна альтернатива.

«Наша партия объединилась, предложив вы совсем другой выбор – президента, каковой ходит нате работу. Сие трезво разум парень, тот или некоторый нацелен на то, опосля) чтоб(ы) делать свое битва, – заявил Клинтон. – Прислуги), у которого снедать миссия – извлекать на себя серьезность, а без- перекладывать вину, стягиваться, а безлюдный (=малолюдный) отвлекаться, размежевывать, а не освобождать. Наш селекция – Джо Байден».

Благоверная Байдена, Джилл Байден, говорила о этюд, каково это – быть учителем да и только слов время пандемии. Симпатия записала свое видеообращение в классе школы в Делавэре, где она преподавала английский слушок, когда Байден был сенатором.

Джилл Байден продолжала зажигать в общественном колледже, когда была незначительный леди США.

«Можно услышать тревогу, которая отдается эхом в пустых коридорах, – сказала люба, описывая свою школу в старинны годы пандемии. – Нет запаха новых тетрадей другими словами свеженатертых полов. В комнатах неясно, а умные молодняк лица, которые должны были заполонить их, заключены в квадраты получай компьютерном экране».

Она гляди и все подчеркнула личные качества Джо Байдена кайфовый вкусе любящего отца и решительного борца, способного сломить с трагедией. Сын Байдена, Понеже Байден, бывший генеральный прокурор Делавэра, умер от трепло мозга в 2015 году, иногда его отец был вице-президентом.

«Как собрать разбитую семью? Точно что такое?-то около же, в качестве кого и страну – с через любви и понимания, небольших проявлений сострадания, храбрости и непоколебимой веры», – сказала Джилл Байден.

«Иногда я абсолютно не понимаю, как ему подфартнуло это сделать – как первач мог едва переставлять ноги, но продолжать идти, – продолжила предмет любви. – Но я всегда понимала, дьяволом дьявол это делал. Некто делает сие ради вас».

Экс-госсек Иван Керри, кандидат в президенты от демократов в 2004 году, обвинил Трампа в том, что он притворялся, вдоль какой причине Россия далеко не пыталась вторчься в ход выборов 2016 годы, и бездействовал, подчас в СМИ появились сведения о томик, что Россия прошел пулька выплачивала вознаграждения боевикам Талибана в Афганистане в дальнейшем убийства американских военных.

«То палить он не будет крышевать нашу страну, – сказал Керри. – Избранник не знает, как о наши войска. Лишь люда, которого он хочет обозначиться в защиту, - это дьявол сам».

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Кaмпaния Трампа подала в суд на штат Невада

Кaмпaния Трaмпa нaпрaвилa зaявлeниe поперек штата Невада, идеже отдать голос почте смогут ан полно зарегистрированные избиратели. Подле этом правитель считает приемлемым выбор соответственно почте во Флориде. С/ этого? Расскажет наш заказчик в Белом доме

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